主演:Perry Dizon 安吉尔·阿基诺 巴特·金戈纳 Hazel Or
简介:A majestic film in which two stories easily fit. One about a filmmaker who is a little like Diaz himself and wrestles with the completion of his film and with greedy film festival programmers. And one about a religious leader. Also a little like Diaz himself? The films of Lav Diaz often tell serious epic stories, but they are still not entirely free from humour and satire. For instance in this film, Diaz takes the mickey out of festival programmers and also sketches a picture of himself that is not entirely free from self-mockery. The film has two or three stories (also a film in the film) and one of them focuses on the filmmaker Homer, who very much resembles Lav Diaz himself. The tortured filmmaker wrestles with completing his film. Despite pleas from those around him and from eager programmers, he continues to refuse to regard his film as finished. Alongside the story about a nun in the film on which Homer is working, there’s another story about the religious leader Father Turbico. Turbico leads a sect in the countryside that is primarily made up of young women. When one of the women wants to leave the sect, a dramatic situation ensues. By telling the stories in parallel, similarities become visible between Homer’s struggle with cinema and Turbico's struggle with faith.
主演:Jitka Nováková Karel Novak Jan Schm
简介:影片以极度浪漫和梦幻的原罪故事作引。 约瑟夫(Karel Novak 饰)和夏娃(Jitka Novákova 饰)幸福地生活在田园郊外,他们的和谐被一个外来者打破。红衣男子罗伯特(Jan Schmid 饰)逡巡在两人四周,窥视夏娃的一举一动。夏娃则将罗伯特拒之千里。 邮差送给约瑟夫的信让夏娃产生不安,心中滋生嫉妒。她开始观察罗伯特,窥视其和各种各样的女人调情,心为所动,试图勾引,却又被罗伯特所拒绝。在罗伯特和一群男女纵情享乐的时候,夏娃偷偷潜入罗伯特的房子,翻出红色公文包,用里面的红戳子在自己腿上印上数字“6”。 沙滩上的男女从报纸上得知,有一个凶手将女人杀害,然后在她额头上印上红色的数字“6”……