主演:尼尔·杨 Lucas Nelson Micah Nelson Core
简介:Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle, for the womenfolk, and for the full moon's magic to give rise to the music and make the spirits fly.
主演:Gwen Watford Patrick Allen 费利克斯·艾尔默
简介:Peter Carter meets official resistance when he finds his 9 year old daughter has been the victim of the pedophile patriarch of the town's most powerful family. Jean Carter, nine-year-old daughter of the town's newly-appointed school principal, Peter Carter and his wife Sally, is playing in the woods with her 11-year-old friend Lucille, when Jean discovers she has lost her purse containing her "candy" money. Lucille tells her she knows where they can get sweets for nothing, and leads her to an imposing mansion, from which the owner, Clarence Olderberry, Sr., a tall, gaunt man of 70 has been watching the girls from a window. That night Jean, unable to sleep, tells her parents that Oldeberry made her and Lucille dance before him nude in exchange for some candy. Carter files a complaint, but the local police chief, Captain Hammond, is skeptical of Jean's story and warns Carter that the Oldenberry family put the town on the map and have far more standing in the community than the new-comer Carters. Oldenberry, Jr. also tells Carter...
主演:克劳德·雷恩斯 格洛丽亚·迪克森 爱德华·诺里斯 奥托·克鲁格 阿林·
简介:根据曾经震惊全美的Leo Frank案改编,讲述了一位北方教师在南方经受的不公正审判。在某个南方小镇中,一位年轻女学生玛丽·克雷(拉娜·特纳 饰)惨遭杀害,三个嫌疑人被立即锁定:校长巴克斯顿、玛丽的男友乔伊以及黑人门卫雷德韦恩。地方检察官安迪·格里芬(克劳德·雷恩斯 饰)有着竞选州长的雄心壮志,他企图利用本案平步青云,而这些嫌疑人在他看来皆无法达到他的目的,最终他将目光锁定在了来自北方的学校教师罗伯特·黑尔(爱德华·诺里斯 饰)身上。罗伯特·黑尔是玛丽·克雷的老师,作为一个北方人,他一直觉得自己和南方小镇格格不入,并打算离开南方前往芝加哥,不料还未成行就被警方逮捕锒铛入狱。新闻记者比尔·布洛克(阿林·乔斯林 饰)想要最大程度炒作新闻,于是故意扭曲黑尔的妻子西比尔(格洛丽亚·迪克森 饰)的话,散步黑尔厌恶南方并企图逃跑的谣言,导致整个小镇群众对黑尔厌恶异常,所有人都认定他就是杀人凶手。北方诸州注意到黑尔一案后皆震惊不已,开始介入调查,整个雪球越滚越大,最终迎来了惨烈惊骇的结局。