主演:Rachel Anton Brett Barsky Corey Blo
简介:From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over their summer vacation. Kevin and Brittany become lifeguards, while Quinn and the Fashion Club all get a tutor, David, who Quinn (surprising even herself) has her eyes on. Mack drives an ice cream truck while Jodie is swamped with volunteer work. Daria and Jane have had a fight over Tom, Daria's boyfriend and Jane's ex, causing them to go separate ways for the summer. Jane goes off to an artists' colony where she meets a fellow artist Alison and big-headed instructor Daniel, self-proclaimed genius. Meanwhile Helen volunteers Daria's service at Mr. O'Neill's summer day camp, the It's OK To Cry Corral, with only hoping-to-be-enlightened Mr. DeMartino for company. There, Daria tries to reach out to troubled Link, a 12-year-old version of herself, all while battling self-doubt and slight resentment towards Tom and his wealthy elitest family. It's going to be a long summer... Written by Adam Spradlin {[email protected]}
主演:艾哈迈德·阿卡比 Milia Ayache Assaad Bouab
简介:25岁的罗拉( 劳拉•莱姆希 Laura Ramsey 饰)和一个来自埃及的男同性恋者尤斯(Achmed Akkabi 饰)是室友,生活在纽约。她的工作是邮递员,却从没放弃过做一个优秀舞蹈演员的梦想,成为埃及著名舞蹈家伊斯玛昂(Milia Ayache 饰)那样的舞者。 在尤斯夫工作的餐馆,罗拉和来自埃及的富家子扎克(Assaad Bouab 饰)成为了好朋友,并渐渐发展成恋人,却因为文化差异的问题,他们的关系不久就终止了,扎克回到了埃及。罗拉义无反顾的前往开罗,一方面想挽救自己的爱情,另一方面也想圆自己的舞蹈梦,去寻找神秘的舞者伊斯玛昂。罗拉能在开罗重获爱情并圆梦吗? 电影《无论罗拉要什么》曾夺下摩洛哥国际影展的最佳影片大奖。©豆瓣