主演:玛雅·厄斯金 安娜·康克尔 梅洛拉·沃尔特斯 泰勒·尼科斯 安娜·尼奥
导演:Dan Longino Andy DeYoung Sam Zvibleman
简介:Hulu 预订成人向校园喜剧《PEN15》,每集三十分钟共十集,由《随性所欲》女星Maya Erskine与《私家法医》女星Anna Konkle共同主创与主演,两人将在剧中演出十三岁的自己。 《PEN15》背景设定在 2000 年的某间中学,描述正值发育期的十三岁主角(美国 校园里有个梗,如果被问「你愿不愿意加入pen15俱乐部?」,如果说愿意对方就会恶作剧地把「penis」写在你手上)。
主演:乔治·杜兹达扎 克里斯·诺斯 达恩·弗洛莱克 迈克尔·莫里亚蒂 史蒂芬
导演:John Beymer William Klayer David Tuttman
简介:纽约警察和检察官的故事,跨越15个春秋,1990年首播,至今仍受到亿万观众瞩目的长剧。 law & order第55届艾美奖最大的遗憾,已连续11年入围剧情类最佳电视剧奖提名的这部热门电视剧,这次却意外地未被提名,粉碎了它原本想要缔造的12次提名新高。 本片融警匪与法庭于一体的电视剧,片中讲述的犯罪基本原于真实生活,往往是近期报纸上的头条新闻。节目分为两部分,上半部分介绍警察研究现场,征询证人,提审嫌疑犯等一系列的侦破活动,后半部分详尽记录了案件侦破的后期工作,案件转交到检查官手里,检查官衡量案情,起诉,直到庭审,节奏紧凑,扣人心弦。由于最终坏人不一定被绳之于法,所以观众看的时候往往暗自捏一把汗。 这个剧集除了已经播出的15季之外,还包括3个特别的系列,一个是 Special Victims Unit 系列(6季),一个是Criminal Intent 系列(4季),和Trial By Jury 系列。可见其火爆程度。堪称NBC历史上,乃至美国影史上最宏伟的剧集。 "In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are there stories. " 这是Law & Order十四年如一日,也是我百听不厌的开场白,是以Law & Order franchise(包括spin-off的SVU)都兼有探员的办案过程跟检察官在法庭上的滔滔雄辩,这二者相互分庭抗礼成为Law & Order奠定其cop drama之教父地位的独特魅力,但是近来每回看Law & Order,都彷彿只是在等待后半小时的法庭戏上,也不是说前面的办案就不精采,但是总要在进入起诉过程中才显出本剧的成熟、世故,细腻精妙处的炉火纯青;一男一女老少两位检察官的不同考量而激盪出的互动、辩证,起诉的战略方针往往不只是黑白分明的司法正义考量,而牵扯到背后司法制度及其偏狭漏洞、细微的政治空气,Law & Order更不只是关在摄影棚里编造天马行空的离奇案件,它每回总是不犹疑地定睛盯上社会中的敏感命题。 Law & Order: 和L&O: SVU一样,是Law & Order家族的老大,Wolf Dick的作品。个人觉得它有点像一个drama版的今日说法,当然Law & Order要好很多。Law & Order的最大卖点是它的order部分。看order部分对美国criminal law和criminal procedure law有很大的了解。
主演:卡恩 丹妮尔·哈丽丝 凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 卡吉-埃里克·埃里克森 切兰·
简介:某座城市的验尸房,艾米(丹妮尔·哈丽丝 Danielle Harris 饰)行色匆匆,准备参加亲朋为她准备的生日派对。而就在此时,惨无人道的大屠杀在城中另一个角落发生,九人遇害,而屠戮他们的凶手雅克布·古德奈特(Glen Jacobs 格兰·“凯恩”·雅克布 饰)也在救护车上咽下最后一口气。眼看派对泡汤,艾米只得和同事赛斯(卡吉-埃里克·埃里克森 Kaj-Erik Eriksen 饰)打起精神准备接收送来的尸体。而就在此时,艾米的哥哥威尔(格里斯顿·霍尔特 Greyston Holt 饰)带着凯拉(切兰·西蒙斯 Chelan Simmons 饰)、塔玛拉(凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 Katharine Isabelle 饰)等好友潜入验尸房,精心为妹妹准备了盛大欢快的派对。 胆大妄为的男女们纵情歌舞,却不料雅各布已悄然醒来……
主演:Tyler Roy Roberts ... Chris Kennedy
简介:Best friends Cliff and Otis plan to get rich quick by stealing from some of the most dangerous foes in the business: drug dealers. Going against the plan, the two spend the night partying, allowing the molikan.com audience to see that, in a certain light, the "bad guys" weren't really all that bad to begin with. Simply put, this film is just your everyday druggie, dramedy, indie musical that's filled with Germans, Jesus, banjos, bongos, beers, and bongs.
导演:Arcady Boytler Raphael J. Sevilla
简介:Starting with the leading performance from the first diva in Mexican cinematography according to some (Andrea Palma), without forgetting Domingo Soler who also makes a great contribution to the cast in this film, then the great strength of the plot and the masterful direction by Arcady Boytler. All in all this movie cannot be considered less than excellent. So yes, maybe some of the scenes don't result quite the way they should, but most of them do. Particularly the scene from the carnival at the beginning of the movie and the last scene bring you to the verge of tears. Yes it also many elements of a catholic moral (Rosario lives in guilt, her way of paying her sins is by means of sacrifice), but we have to consider the movie was released in 1934 and the Mexican society of the time had those values dictating our lives and, weather we take this into consideration or not, I think the the plot is really really tough and the theme very strong. Maybe nowadays we have many movies with plots that are twice or thrice as tough, but I think this is still a great, great movie and has no soap opera can never even remotely compare with it. Also, it is one of the first movies with recorded sound in the Mexican film industry.