主演:三木真一郎 岩田光央 石冢运升 川澄绫子 矢尾一树 西村知道 子安武人
简介: 藤原拓海由于不败的战绩,必然会受到新的挑战。 《头文字D》的第二部着重突出拓海的成长,当然不乏激烈的挑战。最经典的要数赤诚和依吕波山路两位老大的比拼。年轻的拓海在爱情上触了礁,在输给帝王车队的lanEvo 3后,拓海遇到了人生的挫折,对自己和AE86产生了怀疑,AE86真的有足够的实力吗? AE86的重生来自拓海的爸爸文太,他为AE86改装了赛车用引擎。同时,拓海遇到了同样是AE86的强劲对手秋山涉。有意思的是比赛规则是在同一赛道两车来回追赶,直到其中之一能超越对方为止,既要技术又考耐力。胜利让拓海继续接受这辆AE86和重拾信心回到车手的生涯。
主演:Hae-yeon Kil Jae-rok Kim Ahn Ji Hye
简介: 三個女人、一個即將出世的嬰兒,與一場「母親」身分的交易。一對富裕的夫婦來到僻靜的農場,一對母女住在這,未成年的女兒懷了孕,見不得人。她們協議--不孕的少婦住在這等孩子出世,待少女生產以後,她便帶走嬰兒,未婚小媽也能「解決」孩子,重啟新生活。隨著這個誰都不屬於的小生命即將降臨,三人的壓力逐解膨脹,看似完美的計畫也一點一點裂解…… A weathered woman and her odd teen-aged daughter live in isolation on a desolate farm in South Korea. An affluent city woman comes to t hem seeking help with a sensitive matter and the three women soon fall into a n...
简介:Can't performing and life... be perfect? About five men who lead the Korean musicals "Wonderful Life" Five men who lead the Korean musical society gathered for the tense first script reading of the musical “The Story Of My Life”. Ryu Jung-han the perfectionist, full of concentration from the first day of practice, Lee Seok-joon who delicately challenges him, Sin Seong-rok who decides he is the mood lightener, Lee Chang-yong-I, frozen tight in front of seniors that look like stars to him and Shin Chun-soo who got them all in one place. Within a circle of tension, Jung-han and Seong-rok start practicing the role of Thomas and Seok-joon and Chang-yong the role of Alvin. The youngest Chang-yong carefully approached Seong-rok to get closer to him but Seong-rok isn’t happy about being paired up with a newbie. Meanwhile, Seok-joon falls into a slump as he gets mixed criticis about his current performance and runs into trouble with Jung-han about everything starting with the product evaluation. This musical about two men and their friendship, will it be able to rise on stage?